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Convert Lost Leads With Strategic Email Journeys

Fully Managed For You!

Did you know that email marketing has an overall  ROI of 4,200%  with an average of $40 return for every $1 spent. 

Yet! It’s one of the most underutilized marketing channels by roofing companies. Why is that? More times than not, it’s due to a lack of organization. It’s hard to know who to market to when you don’t have segmented audiences. Our systems and processes ensure that we know exactly who to market to, utilizing custom email journey’s to maximize your leads! 

email marketing

How We Generate Roofing Leads Using Email Marketing


Custom Drip Campaigns To Convert Stale Leads


Effective Ad Copy & Creative


Monthly Promotional & Referral Campaigns 

See what our clients are saying..

"We feel like we are the focus of RBP... I love that we own everything!"

- Starway Roof Systems

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